
A Guide to NuGet & .NET in the Enterprise


Eric Seng

Eric Seng


What are NuGet Package Vulnerabilities and How to Manage Them 09th October, 2023

How to Debug NuGet Packages with Symbols and Source Link Painlessly 02nd October, 2023


A Guide to NuGet & .NET in the Enterprise

Posted on .

What would happen if someone on your team decided to use a package with a GPL-3 license that requires that the entire code base is open source, under the threat of lawsuits and copyright damages?

Or a package with vulnerabilities, like WinSCPHelper 1.0.13  that allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary programs.

Are you certain that your team hasn’t already?

Dealing with the fallout from security and licensing disasters will make those runtime crashes from NuGet misconfiguration look like a walk in the park.

Open-source packages on are a part of nearly every single modern .NET5+(.NET 5 to .NET 8) application. They’re almost certainly, a part of some of the ones you and your team develop.

Major vulnerabilities, dependencies, and licensing risks are an inherent part of using NuGet. This happens because while NuGet is easy to get started with, it gets complex quick

Fortunately, not everyone on your team needs to be an expert in all things NuGet. In fact, you don’t even need to be a NuGet expert — just some basic knowledge on how to manage NuGet in the Enterprise, as well as the tools and processes to use to make it work.

We’re working on creating a free guide on how to take your NuGet packages and .NET5+ applications into the modern enterprise. 

The guide will walk you through NuGet in the Enterprise, in 2023 and beyond:

  • What exactly is “NuGet” Anyways?
  • How Do NuGet Packages Work
  • Licensing Best Practices
  • CI/CD Best Practices for NuGet Packages
  • Package Versioning in NuGet
  • …and much more…

Sign up to be the first to receive our free NuGet guide.

Eric Seng

Eric Seng
