
How Opcalim Achieved a 90% Reduction in Server Provisioning Times and a 97% Decrease in Deployment Times


Crista Perlton

Crista Perlton


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How Opcalim Achieved a 90% Reduction in Server Provisioning Times and a 97% Decrease in Deployment Times

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Opcalim, a French consultancy that works with organizations and individuals in the French agricultural sector, needed a solution to replace their manual deployment process with a third-party application. However, the company only employed two Operations people with no dedicated Development team to support it.
The initial plan to create something in-house failed. The small Operations team—whose job is to deploy applications, not code—struggled to manage the complexity of automating all their IS Configurations, .NET configurations, Directories, and Web Config files.

See how they solved this problem with BuildMaster and Otter:

Crista Perlton

Crista Perlton
